Liebster Award!

The lovely Emma from emmabellefashion nominated me for the Liebster award today *puts on party hat and pulls a party popper*! I know, exciting right? It is an award given out by fellow bloggers to help them connect and be blog friends, and is given to blogs with under 200 followers. The idea is that you are nominated by another blogger (in my case emmabellefashion) and after answering a set of questions from that blogger you then go on to nominate some blogs for the award yourself, and provide them with questions of your own to answer. Lovely stuff.... let's get started!

  • Thank the lovely who nominated you by linking them back and shouting them out. 
  • Answer the 11 questions your nominee has given to you.
  • Pick 9-10 other bloggers with under 200 followers to nominate for the award and let them know about it by going to their blogs and telling them.
  • Come up with 11 new questions to ask those who you nominate.

1. What makeup product could you never live without?
I think this would have to be mascara, I just don't feel complete without it as my eyelashes look invisible.

2. Which part of your beauty regime are you the most lazy with?
Hair. I like that scruffy, not too neat hair look anyway, but I am very lazy when it comes to drying and styling my hair because it is so thick!

3. What is your go-to style?
When I am unsure of what to wear I always reach for the black high-waist jeans and a smart casual top. 

4. Your favourite, most underrated product?
Yves Rocher So Elixer Purple perfume! Ahhh... it smells soooo good and I have had many compliments when wearing it which is always a sign your on to a good thing!

5. Are you adventurous with your beauty choices?
I am adventurous when it comes to make-up choices as I find it fun to try new things. When it comes to skincare I am very careful as I have sensitive acne prone skin. 

6. Lipstick or Lipgloss?
I'm a lipstick girl! *puckers lips*

7. Is there are any aspect of blogging that you don't enjoy? i.e. Taking photos, designing your layout etc...
I LOVE blogging and wish there were more hours in the day so that I could do more of it.

8. What is your favourite makeup brand?
Probably Rimmel, I have a lot of Rimmel products in my make-up bag.

9. What is the main focus of your blog - makeup, haircare, skincare, fashion...?
At the moment I would say my blog is more focused on make-up, however I am interested in sharing my skincare experiences very soon!

10. How often do you paint your nails? What is your favourite polish?
I paint my nails once a week. My current favourite nail polish is Ciate - 'Beach Melba', which is a beautiful peachy nude shade. 

11. Why did you want to start blogging?
After struggling with acne for many years, even being referred to the hospital and still not seeing any improvement, I decided I would conduct my own research into products that might help improve my skin. I started to use products recommend by people with problem skin, just like mine, and finally got my skin under some sort of control. I then went on to read other reviews and lifestyle blogs etc. In April I got some new hair straighteners and decided that I was going to start up my own blog and write my very first blog post reviewing them. 

I would like to nominate (and ask you to check out) these lovely blogs:

My questions for you lovely bloggers are:
1) What is your favourite accessory? 
2) How would you describe your style in 5 words?
3) Who is your favourite artist/band at the moment?
4) Whose style do you find inspirational?
5) What is your favourite colour lipstick?
6) If could choose 1 make-up brand to use for the rest of your life, what would it be?
7) If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
8) What is your favourite thing about blogging?
9) Which is your favourite blog to read?
10) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you like to go?
11) What is your best beauty tip?

Thanks for reading lovelies!



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