Acceptance. It is what it is.

So, I've never kept a day to day diary but I often make notes on my phone about life and my feelings - I find it a good way to self-reflect at a later date. I have noticed that acceptance in particular has become a recent theme that I have found to be constructive. Encouraging and allowing my mind to accept things for what they are without hoping or wishing they could be changed keeps me realistic and helps me make better choices. This has occurred in various circumstances, such as accepting other people and what they can/can't offer, accepting myself, achievements and failures, situations, and emotions. Uncomfortable emotions have been the biggest challenge for me to accept and it has definitely taken practise. I used to bottle these emotions up and pretend they weren't there. This only worked for so long. I then attempted to jump on the bandwagon of trying to be more grateful and positive in a bid to fend them off. This didn't stop the uncomfortable feelings like I believed at the time it would, instead, every time I felt angry, sad, frustrated etc I would begin self-criticising and shaming myself for not being the poster girl for a "positive vibes only" life. The truth is we all feel uncomfortable emotions and they are a natural part of the Hunan experience, we can't and shouldn't want to banish them. While it may not feel like it in the moment, these feelings have a purpose and can help our self development. I manage these emotions better by accepting them and if necessary, learning from them. I try to watch these emotions and understand them without becoming too attached, embroiled or reactive. Accept them in yourself and also in other people. I'm not saying you should put up with other people treating you badly or being disrespectful, you can accept other people, know they aren't good for you and still walk away from them if necessary, but finding ways to look back and live with an element of acceptance means, for me at least, I'm more content.  

Thanks for reading, 



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